Deposit: It means that you transfer digital assets from other platforms to CoinCatch. This process is considered a deposit for the receiving platform, CoinCatch, while a withdrawal for the asset-sending platform. CoinCatch now supports a direct deposit service for users' spot/future accounts. Click here to enter the CoinCatch asset depositing interface.
How to deposit
Before you deposit a digital asset, please get the deposit address of the digital asset first, and confirm that the deposit of the digital asset is currently open
Web version: After clicking "Assets" in the navigation bar at the upper right corner of the website, select "Deposit":
APP version: Homepage "Asset" ---> "Deposit"
Select the digital asset you want to deposit or directly search for it by the name of the digital asset, and select the account you want to deposit it to.
Please copy your deposit address to the withdrawal platform, and complete deposit to CoinCatch.
Before depositing, be sure to verify that the deposit currency and deposit address are correct, and the deposits made in the wrong currency can not be retrieved.
There is not fee for deposits
CoinCatch supports different blockchains for different digital assets. Some currencies only support ERC20 chains, while others only support BEP20 or main network chains. Please deposit digital assets through the blockchain we support. If you are not sure about the blockchain supported by the currency you are depositing, please contact our official customer service team( for confirmation.
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