Followers can switch to "Advanced Settings" in the settings page after selecting the elite trader they want to follow, where they can choose the copy trading leverage type. Here are the details:
1. Follow position-based leverage
Open positions based on your own contract leverage, regardless of the elite trader's leverage.
Example: If your BTCUSDT contract leverage is 10X and the elite trader's contract leverage is 20X, you will copy their trades with a 10X leverage. Even if you follow multiple elite traders, the leverage will always be 10X.
2. Use specified leverage
Follow the elite trader's opening positions with the leverage multiplier specified in your copy trading settings. If your balance is insufficient, the copy trade will fail.
Example: If you set a 5X leverage for BTCUSDT contract when following elite trader A, you will copy trades with a 5X leverage, regardless of the leverage used by elite trader A.
3. Elite trader's leverage
Open positions based on the elite trader's contract leverage. If your balance is insufficient, the copy trade will fail.
Example: If elite trader A has a 10X leverage and elite trader B has a 20X leverage, you will copy trader A's position at a 10X leverage and Trader B's position at a leverage of 20X.
Please note:
1. Under the default settings, the copy trading leverage mode is "Elite Trader's Leverage."
2. By selecting "Specified leverage" or "Copy margin”, the leverage will be used to calculate whether your balance is adequate for executing the copy trade. It won't change the user's actual leverage of the contract.
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